Posts in Pelvic Floor PT
Leaking When You Cough or Sneeze?

‘Tis the season… cold and flu season that is, and it’s a season when even the best pelvic floor can be challenged by a barrage of coughing and sneezing fits. Yes, your best bet is to train your pelvic floor to withstand the increased pressure caused by a cough/sneeze (that’s what makes you pee - a type of incontinence we call stress incontinence), but if you’re looking for a quick fix, we’ve got some of those for you as well!

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What to expect at your Pelvic Floor PT evaluation

So you’ve decided to begin pelvic floor physical therapy? Congratulations! Either your doctor suggested you give it a try, or you had to do your own research to get here. However you have reached this point, you are likely nervous and unsure of what to expect. You have heard some things about “internal” pelvic floor treatment, but what does that really mean? Well look no further, let me prepare you for your first visit!

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Why Pelvic Floor PT is a must postpartum!

Congratulations! You’ve just had your baby and now you’re basking in the glow of new motherhood, well rested, and able to devote all the time in the world to your own self care. Well, hopefully, right? In reality you might be sleep deprived, sore, and unable to think about anything except whether you’ll be able to use the bathroom alone. You’re probably not thinking about your pelvic floor, other than, perhaps, wondering how it will feel when you get the all clear from your doctor at your 6 week checkup to go back to…well… everything.

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Can Pelvic Floor PT Help My Period Pain

First of all, painful periods are not normal! You do not just have to “suck it up” or gobble down a bottle of Ibuprofen to get through that time of the month. If you are having painful periods, talk to your doctor and make sure they are interested in seeking the underlying cause of your pain. If not, find a new doctor! Painful periods can be caused by a host of issues including but, not limited to fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, ovarian cysts, and last but not least pelvic floor muscle dysfunction!

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